SEX AND THE CITY 2 MOVIE REVIEW. Much Ado about Overindulgence..

In truth, SEX AND THE CITY 2 should be observed as a work of pure escapism.
You’d have to suspend disbelief that, at an economic downtime like now, we've a sinful film that’s overspilling with indulgence and extravagance.
The wardrobe budget alone hits an unbelievable 10 million bucks – splurging on brands such as Pucci, Chanel and Alexander McQueen.
I mean, you have these four middle-aged women, SARAH JESSICA PARKER (Carrie), KIM CATTRALL (Samantha), CYNTHIA NIXON (Miranda) and KRISTIN DAVIS (Charlotte) all draped in haute coutre outfits riding camels in the desert and sashaying in the sweltering heat.
Who are they trying to impress by parading in the oasis without any stylist around?
It’s as ridiculous as you can get.
Yet it can be simple and generous, with dosages of the silliness that make us laugh at life’s incongruities and improbabilities.
You’d have thought the four middle-aged tarts are at it again!
Well yes, SEX AND THE CITY 2 isn’t just spiced with puss glamour
and no, the tarts do have a heart.
For sure it’s still sizzling sex, warts and all …..
plus a journey to exotic Abu Dhabi.
The fun, fashion and friendship a la Arabian Nights are here again to astound us.
The treatment of latent fear – that of loneliness, jealousies and marriage woes are explored with more depth.
CARRIE’s married life is far from being blissful. SAMANTHA is desperately popping pills to retain her youth and figure. MIRANDA is being victimized by her sexist boss. And CHARLOTTE worries about her bra-less, busty nanny.
These tarts may be spoiled, insecure women of privilege, out on a limb.
But like everyone of us, they are fallible and very much alive.
You may rank today, as one of the world’s glamorous pussies and talked-about fashionista,
Unfortunately, time does not stand still,
Sooner than you think, you may have to examine yourself in the mirror for lines and crow’s feet and the word BOTOX comes up in your mind with an astounding capital “B”.
If you are a baby boomer on the doom, this one’s for YOU!
Remember, you can only live once.
For this female-centric SEX AND THE CITY 2, the city gals are desperately toying a break from their mundane fabulous lives.
SAMANTHA encounters a Sheik from Abu Dhabi who wants to fly her to his luxury resort hotel to negotiate PR services and she craftily snares a short all-expenses paid vacation (22,000 dollars a night suite and 4 personal butlers) for herself and her chums.
With all the exotic charm, Abu Dhabi remains a city where women adorn “burqas” and frowns on public displays of anything sexual.
And with a sex-starved vixen like SAMANTHA on the prowl, in a forlorn country, you can surely expect round upon round of explosive fireworks.
This is a film for men who gasp and for women who are drawn to female bonding, fashion and fantasy.
The self-righteous critics may go on bragging and bitching for all it is worth,
but it does not stop the loyalists from patronizing the movie and the producers for planning SEX AND THE CITY 3.
This is what box office empowerment is all about.
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